Friday, January 9, 2015

Darby Smart Delivery: Urban Oasis Terrarium & Pocket Terrarium Necklaces

Let the crafting begin!  I get excited about crafting, but sustaining the hobby is something else.  My Mom would get me all the supplies I requested, but would grimace when my interest was lost and I wanted to do something else.  And also remind me that I never finished those projects.  Larger, longer projects are not my thing.  Short, sweet, instant gratification - that's more my style!  Especially in life!  Hello Darby Smart!  You get all the tools you need to complete a project that gets delivered in a cute teal box.  Made By Me. Internet Rehab Inside.  That's a funny quote since you have to get online for the instructions!

Can't wait to try these out!  This will be a test to see if I continue to order and if I do end up being a subscriber.  These would make wonderful gifts to make and/or give the kit to someone as a a present.  Wish me luck and you will see these in my Crafting From Bed series.  :)

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