annoyed. I haven't been blogging lately because the mo-bloggin' lite Blogger app is now defunct. Boo! That's how I did most of my posts, but now it looks like I'll have to carve out time to take pics, upload etc. etc. Oh good ole fashion bloggin'. How has everyone been? New year, new goals, new life. I still believe that even #s are best, but 2010 was interesting and am glad to see that over and done with. But, some old habits die hard and I find myself back in some of the same scenarios I've dealt with before. Oh well, figure it out and move along.
As of lately:
-make up: has been minimal to none, with the exception of those evenings where I'm going out. Nothing spectacular and blog worthy in my eyes, but I'll figure something to report.
-nails did: I removed the overlays and now will be keeping them natural and polished. I have tried CND's Shellac and OPI's Axxium. Reviews on them soon.
-living situation: back at home in the mean time. Things have been great and its nice to have homecooked food all the time! I do miss my privacy...I swear things move in my room when I'm not at home. *cough*mommy*cough*
-love life: what love life? I have been trying to "date," but those encounters have been fruitless. It will happen when it happens.
c'est la vie.
What to wear to a coffee shop
13 hours ago